Resistance-breathing training found to lower blood pressure
Hypertension, also known as chronic high blood pressure, can lead to a wide variety of health problems, from loss of vision to strokes and heart attacks. For that reason, patients are directed to modify their diet and to exercise more. If that does not fix the problem, medications are prescribed.
A team of researchers has found that resistance-breathing training can lower blood pressure as much as some medicines and/or exercises.
Resistance-breathing training involves breathing in and out of a small device, called, quite naturally, a POWERbreathe, every day for several minutes. The device forces the patient to use their breathing muscles to push and pull air through it, making them stronger. And that, the researchers found, also reduces blood pressure. The device has been in use for several years as a means to assist athletes, singers and people with weak lung muscles.
The researchers found the change as significant, as much as some patients see with medication. They suggest such training could be used by patients of all ages who are unable to exercise to lower their blood pressure.