Carbon capture facility to capture a million tons a year
Many scientists have noted that even if Carbon emission mitigation efforts are successful over the next several years, something must still be done about the greenhouse gasses that have already been released into the atmosphere if we are to slow global warming. To that end, some entities have been looking at the possibility of building facilities that extract Carbon from the air and storing it safely.
The project is currently just past the feasibility stage—the next phase of the project will involve selecting a site. The captured and treated Carbon will be sequestered in dry underground wells.
Plans for the plant involve the installation of a fan to pull in air—that air will be routed into a vat filled with a liquid that will bind the Carbon dioxide. After filtering, the bound Carbon will undergo further refinement that will result in the creation of Calcium carbonate pellets. The pellets will then be heated, forcing them to decompose into a CO2 stream along with Calcium oxide. The CO2 stream will then be further cleaned to remove impurities—at that point it would be ready to be pumped to its under-the-sea storage site.
Facility able to extract approximately 1 million tons of carbon from the air each year and to store it in under-the-sea storage sites.
The two companies stress that at some point they would like to sell the CO2.