Can Eating Too Many Carrots Make Your Skin Turn Orange?
You’ve been on a health kick and have been bingeing on baby carrots as your afternoon snack. You look in the mirror one day and notice a slight orangeness to your skin tone. Are you imagining things? Maybe not! Carrots and other orange fruits and vegetables are rich in a pigment known as beta-carotene. In humans, this pigment is converted to vitamin A by specialized cells in the small intestine. When high levels of beta-carotene are consumed, not all of the pigment is converted to vitamin A. Some of it is circulated in the blood stream. If these high levels are sustained for some time, the skin may begin to take on an orange hue, a condition known as carotenemia. Carotenemia often manifests itself in the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet and commonly appears on the nose. The condition is not uncommon in babies and toddlers, who may enjoy pureed carrots or sweet potatoes to excess for their small bodies. Although it can be confused with jaundice, carotenemia does not affect the whites of the eyes and is generally considered harmless. Fortunately, the skin discoloration fades when the diet is changed and the levels of beta-carotene in the blood decline.
The following site gives a complete guide to understanding human skin: